- Policy and Rules Title Page
Policies and Rules of Star Ranch
This is a document containing the evolving policy and rules for visiting and residing at Star Ranch.
Each section of the policy and or rules contains information concerning to whom they apply, who has authority to grant exceptions, and the process by which the policy or rules may be changed.
This document was created January 1, 2022.
Last Revision Date: January 1, 2022
Policy and Rule Updates 2012 – 2021
Policy: 06/01/2021
Motion: Cabin leases and sales to Gold members with less than one year of membership requires General Manager approval. The Council will be notified of sales. Send a copy of sales agreement for all potential members to Council for each sale.
Policy: 08/08/2021
Motion: Grandchildren of members up to 18 or through college will have free admission.
Policy and Rule Updates 2021 – 2022
06/28/2021 Update to Residency Policy
02/19/2022 Update to alcohol policy to include not storing liquor in the Tara Hall guest kitchen to keep unattended children from gaining access to alcoholic beverages.
02/19/2022 Threatening Behavior Policy added
10/15/2022 Criminal Behavior Policy added
Policy and Rule Updates 2023 – 2024
6/17/2023 Update to Outdoor and Indoor Pool/Hot Tub Rules – no smoking or vaping within the outdoor or indoor pool/hot tub area or within 10 feet of the pool fence.
To provide definitions for commonly used terms in Star Ranch policies, procedures, and rules.
Activities – activity organized or sponsored by one or more people in an organization or that is related to education, recreation, health, or community cultural activities and serves all or part of the community.
Children – Children at Star Ranch are defined as anyone under the age of 14. Minors include children and adolescents under the age of 18.
Common areas – All Star Ranch grounds except private sites.
Guest – a hosted guest of a “site holding” member who must remain on the site holders’ site and does not have access to the grounds.
Members – persons who have applied for and been approved by the Council and paid membership dues.
Pool area – Area inside the fence at the outdoor pool, or inside the room housing the indoor pool and hot tub area.
Private Sites – the area around a member’s house, manufactured home, RV, or tent that is leased by a member, that should be respected for the privacy of the site.
Residents – are Sahnoans with a Gold membership who have been approved for residency and primarily reside on Star Ranch Property.
Sanctioned events – Scheduled activities organized by the Council or Board and announced to members. Dances, contests, tournaments, dinners, etc., are examples of sanctioned events.
Service animal – A service animal is defined in the US Department of Justice (DOJ) regulations for Titles II (Section 35.104) and III (Section 36.104) of the ADA as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.”
The dog can be any breed. No other types of animals, though, can be considered service animals under the ADA with the single possible exception of a miniature horse. This definition of a service animal applies when a person is accessing a public place covered by these regulations. Examples are a restaurant, doctor’s office or hospital, public library, county office, or grocery store — or any place that is a public entity or public accommodation.
Individually trained [means] that the dog is trained to do a specific task for a specific person with a disability.
A task is a specific action or step that a service animal does to assist its handler with a disability. The task performed must be directly related to the disability.
While providing emotional support, wellbeing, or comfort is an invaluable benefit of a dog, by itself these activities are not recognized as a task by the DOJ. A task is a specific action that the service animal does. For this reason, emotional support, therapy, or comfort animals are not service animals under the ADA.
Visitor – any individual or couple who are NOT members, but who have cleared a background check and pay a gate fee(s) who are allowed to use of Star Ranch facilities.
To describe how Star Ranch activities are planned and carried out. The policy and rules described herein apply to the Sahnoan Council of Star Ranch and any other member or visitor who participates in planning activities.
Activities – activity organized or sponsored by one or more people in an organization or that is related to education, recreation, health, or community cultural activities and serves all or part of the community.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch.
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities.
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Constitution of the Sahnoans Article II (2.3 & 2.4)
- Activities are planned by the Council of the Sahnoans in coordination or cooperation with other interested members or visitors.
- Activities should be planned six months to one year in advance.
- Activities for the following month should be published in the monthly newsletter.
- Council of the Sahnoans members coordinate volunteers, materials, committees, and logistics to carry out activities.
- The Board of Directors will set aside funds for activities annually, based on projection of costs from the Council of the Sahnoans.
- A representative from the Council of the Sahnoans or their designee should be present for all planned activities to ensure that the activities are supported and that any clean-up after an event is completed.
To ensure alcohol consumption at Star Ranch is conducted within legal guidelines and in moderation and to act when necessary to prevent liability due to excessive alcohol consumption. The policy and rules described herein apply to any member or visitor on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council
Pool Rules
Consolidated Star Ranch Rules
- Alcoholic beverages are allowed in moderation. Drunken behavior is not allowed.
- Alcohol may be consumed in the pool area, indoor pool and hot tub if it is in a non-breakable container.
- Alcoholic beverages are not allowed to be sold on Star Ranch property without prior BoD approval.
- Alcoholic beverages will not be stored unattended in Star Ranch common areas.
- Minors are not allowed to drink on Star Ranch property without parental approval.
- Individuals who are intoxicated or exhibiting drunken behavior will be given the following options:
- Stay the night in a cabin or at a campsite and pay the fees for the overnight stay.
- Call a ride service or have a friend pick them up.
- If they refuse the first 2 options and attempt to leave the grounds, the sheriff’s office will be called to report Public Intoxication.
- If they appear to be experiencing a medical issue an ambulance will be called.
The purpose of this policy is to provide standards to insure the best possible environment for both pet owners and non-pet owners and to insure the responsible care of pets. The policy and rules described herein apply to any member or visitor on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council
Star Ranch Declaration of Regulations and Restrictions
Consolidated Star Ranch Rules
25 TAC §265.208(e) – Rules for Public Pools and Spas
Department of Justice Title II (Section 35.104) and III (Section 36.104)
- No domesticated farm animals, livestock, or fowl of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any site.
- No exotic animals shall be raised, bred or kept on any site.
- Domesticated household pets are acceptable provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for commercial purposes.
- Members are permitted no more than three domesticated animals (pets) provided they do not pose a health or safety hazard, have proof of current rabies vaccination as required, and are not a threat or nuisance to our members, residents, guests, visitors, or representatives. You are responsible for care, feeding, actions, behavior, and sanitation of your pets.
- Dogs must always be on a leash.
- Pets kept at RV sites or cabins must not be left unsecured or unattended for long periods of time.
- No pets are allowed in the pool (25 TAC §265.208(e) – Rules for Public Pools and Spas)
- No pets are allowed around the pool and common activity areas (except for specifically trained service animals for disabled participants).
- Disabled participant(s) using the pool may have their service animal at the side of the pool, but the animal must always be restrained or under control of the owner. If the service animal behaves in a threatening way towards others and cannot be controlled by owner, they may be asked to remove the animal from a specific location. If the service animal causes damage to Star Ranch facilities, persons, or private property, the owner will be responsible for damages. Service animals must abide by all other aspects of the pet policy.
- Any pets brought onto or kept within Star Ranch shall wear evidence of current and up to date vaccination(s).
- It is expected that all pets shall be wormed annually or as needed.
- Pet owners shall be responsible for removing their pet’s feces from their site and all common areas.
- Pet owners are responsible for keeping their pet(s) quiet and well behaved.
- Pet owners are responsible for any damage caused by their pet to Star Ranch property, persons, or private property.
- Failure to abide by these conditions will result in the loss of privileges of bringing or having a pet at Star Ranch.
- Any pet or pets that cause a legitimate concern to our community will be investigated by the BoD. The BoD will take whatever action is necessary, if required, to remove the concern. Any action taken by the BoD will be final.
Architectural Control
To assure that all construction on Star Ranch property preserves the general aesthetic, respects the ecology, and harmonizes with the surrounding structures. The goal is to establish and maintain a universal standard to provide an attractive community to promote social nudism. The policy and rules described herein apply to any building, construction or clearing on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Consolidated Star Ranch Rules
Declaration of Regulations and Restrictions
- All construction plans whether making modifications to an existing structure or building of a new structure must be submitted in writing to the BoD for approval.
- The plan must include a detailed description of the project, materials to be used, and expected completion date.
- Failure to submit the necessary documentation, follow safety requirements or begin or pursue construction before or without receiving approval may require demolition of the structures.
- The BoD will respond to construction/renovation requests in a timely fashion.
- The BoD shall exercise its best judgement to assure that all construction within the confines of Star Ranch meet safety standards, preserves trees, and harmonizes with existing structures.
- The BoD shall determine whether construction or modification will impair or detract from the beauty of the natural surroundings.
- Color of exterior paint/finish must be approved.
- The BoD shall have the right, in person or through its agents or employees to notify members if in violation(s) and to determine a fair and reasonable plan of correction. If corrections are not completed in a timely fashion as established by the BoD, penalties will be assessed. Penalties may include but are not limited to reimbursement for materials or labor necessary to correct the violation. The BoD shall not be liable for damages to anyone for action taken or any failure to act.
All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s)
To limit liability related to ATV use on Star Ranch property. The policy and rules described herein apply to everyone on Star Ranch Property.
All-terrain vehicle (ATV) – is defined as a motorized off-highway vehicle designed to travel on four low-pressure or non-pneumatic tires, having a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and handlebars for steering control.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
- No member or visitor may operate an ATV on Star Ranch property due to insurance and liability issues.
Drones / Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
To maintain privacy for members and visitors and guests. The policy and rules described herein apply to everyone on indoor or outdoor property owned by Star Ranch.
Members – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities.
Guest – hosted guests of a site holding member who must remain on the member’s site and does not have access to the grounds.
UAV – unmanned aerial vehicle
Drone – an unmanned aircraft or ship that can navigate autonomously, without human control or beyond line of sight
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Photography Policy
- Drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)s, radio-controlled model aircraft, and other such remotely piloted aircraft (whether equipped with photographic equipment or not) may not be launched or landed on Star Ranch Property.
- No member or visitor or guest may operate such a vehicle in such a way that causes it to overfly Star Ranch property.
- No flight of any such vehicle may be controlled by anyone on Star Ranch Property.
- Exceptions to this rule require Board of Director approval, operational insurance by the owner and/or pilot of the drone, and conspicuous credentials as required for photography on Star Ranch property.
- Persons with approval to fly a drone on Star Ranch property will be identified with a wristband or other such means.
- Members will be notified if a drone is conducting official business for Star Ranch and the location and period the drone will be used.
- Drone activity is subject to the Photography and videography rules.
To establish and maintain a universal standard to provide privacy and preserve the general aesthetic that respects the ecology and harmonizes with the surrounding environment. The policy and rules described herein apply to any member on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Architectural Control
- Residents on Eely Road must have fencing or a barrier to ensure there is no line of site from the road into Star Ranch property.
- Any fence gates on Eely Road must be kept closed when not in use to ensure no line of site into Star Ranch property.
- Non-Eely Road fencing, except for 4-foot animal enclosures, must be approved according to architectural guidelines.
- All plans for constructing fences, whether making modifications to an existing fence, or building a new fence must be submitted in writing to the BoD for approval.
- The plan must include a detailed description of the project, materials to be used, and expected completion date.
- Failure to submit the necessary documentation, follow safety requirements or begin or pursue construction before or without receiving approval may require demolition of the fence.
- During construction the office will be notified when workmen will be accessing Star Ranch property.
- The BoD shall determine whether construction or modification will impair or detract from the beauty of the natural surroundings.
- Color of paint/finish must be approved.
- The BoD will respond to construction/renovation requests in a timely fashion.
Firearms / Concealed Carry
To establish and maintain a universal standard to provide a safe and harmonious community to promote social nudism. The policy and rules described herein apply any to any member or visitor on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by BoD, the general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Noxious Behavior Policy
Threatening Behavior Policy
- Pursuant to Section 30.07 (30.06 or 30.05, Penal Code (Trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), A person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is openly carried.
- Firearms are not allowed in any of the common areas on Star Ranch.
- Firearms are not allowed to be discharged on the grounds of Star Ranch without the written approval of the Board of Directors for removal of animals that may prove to be a threat to visitors or members.
- Engaging in or threatening violence; possessing a weapon prohibited by law, displaying or possessing a gun, knife, or other weapon in the common area, or in a way that may alarm others is not allowed.
Illegal Drugs
To ensure illegal drugs are not used on Star Ranch Property to prevent liability. The policy and rules described herein apply any other member or visitor on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Pool Rules
Consolidated Star Ranch Rules
- Illegal drugs are not allowed on Star Ranch property.
- Individuals who are exhibiting behavior related to illegal drug use will be reported to the sheriff’s office and escorted off the property.
- If they appear to be experiencing a medical issue an ambulance will be called.
Inappropriate Sexual Conduct
Policy and procedure contained herein identifies the process by which Star Ranch identifies, reports, and handles inappropriate sexual conduct on Star Ranch Property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Guest – hosted guest of a site-holding member
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
- Activity of a sexual nature is not allowed in public at Star Ranch.
- Sexually suggestive clothing is not allowed in public areas.
- Unwelcome physical contact including patting, pinching, stroking, kissing, hugging, fondling, or inappropriate touching or groping is not allowed.
- Unwelcome verbal advances of a sexual nature are not allowed.
- Solicitation of swinger activities are not allowed.
- Any impropriety with a child will not be tolerated.
- Violation of this conduct policy will result in expulsion from the grounds and the offender being placed on the do not admit list.
- Violations of a criminal nature will be reported to the local sheriff’s department.
The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard to maintain the natural beauty.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Guest – any guest of a site-holding member
Littering – Litter is any waste material, garbage, or rubbish, including but not limited to food, food wrappers, paper, cans, bottles, cigarette butts, ashes, or discarded debris.
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
- All members, visitors and guest on Star Ranch property are required to utilize trash receptacles to dispose of any unwanted items or debris.
- Household trash from a member’s site must be disposed of in a proper animal proof receptacle and not left unsecured to prevent rodents and other animals from spreading litter on the property.
- Failure to properly dispose of household trash in proper receptacles may result in fines or charges for cleanup.
- Repeated failures to appropriately dispose of litter will result in a referral to the Council for review of membership in good standing.
Noxious Behavior
To establish and maintain a universal standard to provide a safe community to promote social nudism. The policy and rules described herein apply to any member or visitor on Star Ranch property. Violation of these rules may result in formal review by the BoD and Council and may result in revocation of membership.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Guest – a hosted guest of a “site holding” member
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Alcohol Policy
Consolidated Star Ranch Rules
Declaration of Regulations and Restrictions
Illegal Drug Use Policy
- Noxious or offensive behavior is prohibited, including but not limited to: Profanity, illicit sexual behavior, publicly displayed pierced body parts below the waist (i.e., groin or rectal areas), public intoxication, urination or defecation, or any annoyance or nuisance to the community.
- Drunken behavior or use of illegal drugs are noxious behaviors that will not be tolerated.
- Members may not engage in making libelous, slanderous or other bad faith allegations against Star Ranch, the BoD, the Sahnoan Council, other members, visitors, guests or our agents.
- Any behavior that disrupts business operations will not be tolerated.
- Any behavior that is threatening, the rights, comfort, health, safety or convenience of others will not be tolerated.
- Tampering with the entry gate, locks, smoke detectors, or any mechanical device owned by Star Ranch will not be tolerated.
Open Flame
The purpose of this policy is designed to enhance the overall fire safeness of the interior and exterior of Star Ranch property, our aging buildings, and the life safety of its occupants through the governed use of open flame devices, equipment, and materials. The policy and rules described herein apply to everyone on property owned by Star Ranch.
Open flame – Any device that temporarily emits a flame that is directly exposed to outside elements. Some examples would include candles, kerosene lamps, campfires, burn barrels, and oil lamps, fire pits, and pyrotechnic devices (fireworks).
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
- OPEN BURNING IS PROHIBITED on Star Ranch property except for when conducted by Star Ranch Management Personnel in strict accordance with applicable Laws at a designated location.
- No member or visitor may have any open flame as described in definitions above.
- Outdoor cooking is limited to propane or pellet grills on your Premises; charcoal and open flame cooking is prohibited.
- A fire extinguisher must be visible and close at hand in any area where any sort of grill is being used.
- Cigarette butts must be completely extinguished and disposed of in an appropriate ashtray or other fireproof disposal device.
- Fireworks, or any other incendiary devices are not allowed.
- No member or visitor will store gasoline, petroleum, volatile, or hazardous materials in unapproved containers or in a way that creates a fire risk.
- Members may not bring hazardous materials into the community without written permission from the general manager or BoD.
- No member or visitor will heat a structure or recreational vehicle with a gas operated cooking stove, oven or kerosene heater.
To establish and maintain a photographic policy and rules to protect the privacy of members and visitors. The policy and rules described herein apply to everyone on indoor or outdoor property owned by Star Ranch.
Members – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Guest – a hosted guest of a “site holding” member.
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Drone/UAV Policy
Photography Rules
- Photography or videography is not permitted.
- There will be absolutely no nude photographs allowed of children under the age of eighteen.
- Camera lenses on phones, tablets, laptops, or any other devices must be covered.
- Special exceptions to this policy require management’s prior approval.
- Approval and written permission for photography prior to a function must be obtained from: Board member, Council member or Officer.
- Upon receipt of permission, the Office Staff will release an orange COG, Inc./Star Ranch camera tag.
- There will be one photographer per sanctioned event.
- The photographer will obtain written releases from all members whose photos were taken and leave them with the Office staff.
- The office will keep an ongoing list of members who have turned in a photo release.
- Immediately following the event, the photographer will bring his/her camera to the office and download any pictures from the camera’s memory card to the office computer. At that time the pictures taken will be deleted from the memory card.
- The photographer will then turn in the orange camera tag.
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines regarding below the waist body piercing for all members and visitors at Star Ranch.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
- Piercings below the waist and genital jewelry is not allowed.
Pool / Hot Tub
To maintain a safe and hygienic pool and hot tub environment for residents and visitors. The policy and rules described herein apply to everyone using any pool or hot tub owned by Star Ranch.
Members – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Pool – the area containing water along with the immediate sides and ‘skirt’ (up to 5 feet) around the water. This includes the hot tub.
Pool Area –the pools and/or hot tubs themselves, plus the room containing the pool and hot tub in Tara Hall and the entire area enclosed by the chain link fence around the outdoor pool, including the Naked Parrot and covered and uncovered seating areas.
Children – Star Ranch defines children as anyone under age 14.
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council
Indoor/Outdoor Pool Rules and Hot Tub/Spa User Cautions (document attached)
Photography Policy
Alcohol Policy
Noxious or offensive behavior
Body jewelry
Pet policy
- Nudity is mandatory in the pools and hot tub.
- Showering using soap is required every time you enter the pool or hot tub.
- A doctor’s note is required to be on file in the office for protective clothing to be worn in the pool.
- Hats are allowed in the pool.
- No eating or smoking within the outdoor pool areal or within 10 feet of the pool enclosure.
- No vaping within the outdoor pool area or within 10 feet of the pool enclosure.
- Golf cart and automobile parking at the pool is only allowed in designated areas.
- Only maintenance golf carts are allowed in areas around the pool not specifically designated for parking.
- Use of photographic devices (including but not limited to cameras, camcorders, cell phones, laptops, etc.) is not allowed. Membership/Visitors rights will be subject to termination if rule is violated.
- There is no smoking, vaping, or food, in the indoor pool/hot tub area.
- No glass containers in any of the pool/hot tub areas.
- A copy of the pool rules will be included in membership and visitor orientation information.
- Pool use rules are posted in both pool areas.
- You must shower with soap every time you enter the pool
- Children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
- Children not potty trained must wear a swim diaper
- No clothing or cloth diapers in the pool
- No smoking, drinking, or eating within the outdoor pool area or within 10 feet of the pool enclosure.
- No smoking, vaping or food in the indoor pool area
- No glass containers in or around the pool areas
- No horseplay, running or diving around the pool area
- No tampering with security lights
- No profanity or excessive intoxication around the pool
- No pets are allowed near pool area
- Elderly persons, pregnant women, infants, and those with health conditions requiring medical care should consult with a physician before entering a spa.
- Unsupervised use by children under the age of 14 is prohibited.
- Hot water immersion while under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, drugs or medicines may lead to serious consequences and is not recommended.
- Do not use alone
- Long exposure may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting.
To establish and maintain a residency policy and procedures. The policy and rules described herein apply to everyone who wishes to be a full-time resident on property owned by Star Ranch.
Residents – are Sahnoans with a Gold membership whose primary residence is located at Star Ranch.
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD. These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Star Ranch Consolidated Rules and Regulations (04/01/2008)
Club Rules Residency Packet (04/01/2008)
- Applicant(s) must have been members of Star Ranch for no less than twelve months prior to the effective date of resident status.
- Applicant(s) must have Gold membership as of the effective date of resident status.
- Applicant(s) must submit a written residency application to be considered and must include the reason for the resident request.
- Star Ranch management will produce a current payment history, background check, and notification to Star Ranch residents for all applicants requesting resident status.
- The decision will be made by the General Manager, one Board Member, and one Council Member after reviewing comments from the residents, the current payment history, background check, and confirming the status of the applicant(s) are in good standing. A majority vote is needed. All denied applications will be returned to The Council.
- An acceptance/denial letter will be sent to the applicant(s) and one copy will be kept with their file.
- Applicant(s) whose request for residency is not approved may reapply for residency status no sooner than 180 days following the disapproval decision.
To establish and maintain a universal standard to provide a harmonious community to promote social nudism. The policy and rules described herein apply to any member or visitor on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Consolidated Star Ranch Rules
Declaration of Regulations and Restrictions
Noxious Behavior Policy
- A ranch supplied site Identification sign (white background – green alpha numeric designation) must be continuously and conspicuously displayed at every site. This sign is necessary to ensure prompt response from law enforcement and emergency personnel and shall not be removed for any purpose (including construction) without BoD or GM approval. A site holder may also display the address in other ways on the primary structure or as otherwise seems prudent to the site holder, but such display does not remove the requirement to display the official identification sign.
- Non-political signs of a light humorous nature may be posted from time to time or long as they are not conspicuous from the roadways or other sites and don’t call undue attention to themselves.
- Signs or any other message of a political nature must be no larger than 3 feet x 3 feet, rigid and displayed no higher than 24 inches from the ground to the bottom of the sign. Only one such sign is allowed per candidate for political office or ballot initiative. The signs may be displayed no earlier than six months before the election and must be removed within 6 days after the election or runoff they are relevant to. No political messages pertaining to an election may be displayed in the form of a flag, norm ay any flag be flown that pertains to a divisive political issue (example, Confederate Battle flag, No Quarter flag, Nazi flag, Go Brandon flags, etc.)
- The above shall not be construed to limit the flying of flags not pertaining to political candidate or currently heated political issue. Nor should it be construed to limit the display of a flag not already visible from a common space or other site.
- Flags of a country, state, region, uniformed service, or showing support for law enforcement, first responders, POW/MIAs, and similar causes are approved within reason of site and number.
- Noxious or offensive language as identified in the Noxious Behavior Policy shall not be written or illustrated on a sign that is posted.
To establish and maintain a universal standard to provide a safe and harmonious community to promote social nudism. The policy and rules described herein apply to any member or visitor on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
- Subleasing, renting, leasing, or leasing to own any site is prohibited.
- Under special circumstances, a cabin owner may allow the ranch to do a short-term rental of their property with their permission to accommodate guests. Such instances must be approved by the BoD and the office will handle payment transactions.
Threatening Behavior
To establish and maintain a universal standard to provide a safe and harmonious community to promote social nudism. The policy and rules described herein apply to any member or visitor on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Visitor – any individual or couple who have cleared a background check and paid the fee(s) for use of Star Ranch facilities
Guest – a hosted guest of a “site holding” member
Threatening – behavior any communication that a reasonable person would interpret the maker’s statement, communication, conduct, or gesture as a serious expression of intent to physically harm.
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (BoD)
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Noxious Behavior Policy
- Threatening or abusive behavior or language shall not be tolerated.
- Any threats or abusive behavior will be documented on an incident report and submitted to the Council for evaluation of membership in good standing status.
- Depending on the level of threat, the violator will be reported to the sheriff’s department for immediate removal from the property, investigation, and or follow-up actions.
Tree Cutting and Removal
To establish and maintain a universal standard to preserve the general aesthetic that respects the ecology and harmonizes with the surrounding environment. The policy and rules described herein apply any to any member or visitor on Star Ranch property.
Member – any individual or couple who holds a membership at Star Ranch
Conference of Olympus (Gymnosophical), Inc. Board of Directors (B0D
These rules may be changed by a majority vote of all board members. Any such changes are effective immediately upon adoption by the board.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the BoD, general manager of Star Ranch or his or her designee.
These rules may be enforced by any member of the Board of Directors or the Sahnoan Council.
Architectural Control
- Trees in common areas may not be cut without BoD permission.
- Trees on leased property may be cut as follows:
- Cedar trees may be cut without BoD permission.
- Dead trees may be cut without BoD permission.
- Diseased pine trees may be cut without BoD permission.
- Cutting of any living oak or other hardwood trees, regardless of diseased condition is discouraged and requires BoD permission.
- The BoD will respond to tree cutting requests in a timely fashion.
- Hardwoods gained from the cutting of trees on leased or community property will be donated to the woodpile at the clubhouse.
- Cuttings from trees other than hardwoods, may be removed by the contractor or taken to the burn pile.
- Cuttings from trees on leased property may be retained by the lessee if so desired.
- Failure to request the necessary permission, follow safety requirements or cutting of trees without receiving approval may result in penalties determined by the BoD.